Study Abroad

Germany and Austria are great places to complete your studies or study abroad!
Why Study Abroad?
Quality: Germany and Austria’s universities are among the best in the world. From science and technology, to literature and philosophy, German and Austrian universities have a long history of providing the highest-quality education.
Cost-effective: German and Austrian universities are affordable! With little to no tuition rates, students can obtain a degree without taking on student loan debt.
Career Development: A degree from a German or Austrian university or an exchange experience will not only open doors to new language and culture, but also for employment—including the 3,500+ German and Austrian companies with a presence in the U.S.
Travel: Studying in Germany is a gateway to world travel. Take the train to Paris for a weekend, or fly off to the global metropolis of Dubai. Europe is not only a destination for many but also a world-class travel hub.
Resources for Studying in Germany and Austria
While the process of figuring out how and where to study in abroad can be daunting, we have compiled a list of resources to help you get started. You can find an overview of study options in this presentation.
Study in
An excellent resource from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, this site provides a comprehensive overview of the German higher education system and the steps one can take to plan for a degree or study abroad experience in Germany.
Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD)
In addition to being a great first stop for international students studying in Germany, the DAAD also offers internships, scholarships, and grants to attract foreign students. Click the link above to explore various sources of financial assistance.
Research Internships in Germany for undergraduates
Internships with German companies for graduate students
DAAD University Summer Course Grant
Gilman-DAAD Germany Scholarships
DAAD Approval Database – Research whether you have the necessary requirements to study in Germany
Goethe-Institut Study Bridge
The Goethe-Institut StudienbrĂĽcke program is specifically designed to prepare students from abroad wishing to embark directly on a course of study in a STEM field or economic sciences in Germany. Find more information in this presentation.
Specifically designed for international students by an association including 41 German universities and the DAAD, this site (available in English, German, and other languages), helps you identify and collect all necessary documentation for admission to a German university and will allow you to submit the application directly through the site.
A resource that helps you figure out what materials you need to have your foreign education (e.g. high school diploma) recognized. This website is in German.
Programs For High School Students
AATG Summer Study Program
The German Summer Study Program for high school students provides a 3-week homestay and school experience. Students attend classes at a Gymnasium (German high school), live with the family of a host brother or sister who attends the school, visit regional attractions, and experience the German language and culture first-hand.
Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange CBYX
Scholarship program sponsored by the U.S. Congress and Deutscher Bundestag. CBYX is for motivated high school students who want to experience a culture and learn a language through full immersion. Find more info in this presentation.
Congress Bundestag Vocational Exchange Program
13th year abroad for high school graduates with a vocational background.
Powered by the OeAD and the Federal Ministry of Education, Science, and Research, this website seeks to connect interested international students with information and study abroad opportunities within Austria.
For over sixty years the OeAD (Agency for Education and Internationalisation) has been advising, supporting and connecting people and institutions in education, science, research and culture with our future-oriented programmes. As an agency of the Republic of Austria we thus contribute to inclusive, equal and high-quality education. We work in Austria, Europe and internationally in priority countries. The OeAD is the national agency for the implementation of Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps.
Teach Abroad
Fulbright Austria
Are you looking for an exciting opportunity that allows you to explore a new culture while simultaneously gaining valuable first-hand classroom experience? For decades, Fulbright Austria has worked with the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science, and Research (BMBWF) to bring qualified, motivated university graduates from the United States to teach English in Austria in secondary schools all across the country.
Further Information and Resources
Germany Info Official website of the U.S. Embassy and Consulates of the Federal Republic of Germany. Information regarding visas and other information related to living in Germany.
U.S. State Department: The official website for Americans who plan to travel or reside abroad is This resource contains comprehensive information about U.S. passports, international travel advisories, and resources from U.S. embassies and consulates.
Language Requirements
These lists from the Goethe-Institut outline which Goethe Certificate is required by specific universities in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.